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NetLogo User Community Models(back to the NetLogo User Community Models)
This model explores the applicability of complex systems, with positive results in strategic planning of organizations, with emphasis on issues related to management by results in order to improve services in the face of a demand greater than the installed capacity.
Our challenge now is how to lead the transformations of public organizations from traditional to Exponential.
Acording to the Singularity University:
The organizational environment (with blue background) is composed of production cells (or work units, represented by boxes. Green boxes units are in focus.
The model links the loops identified by the System Dynamics with Agent Based Modeling, by adapting the model with the PageRank algorithm searches GOOGLE (model available in the library of NetLogo).
The program establishes a relationship between the demand for services found in an organization and productivity of people in carrying out the activities that make up the service, allowing you to establish the best cost / benefit by optimizing productivity and identifying areas with the greatest bottleneck in performing services.
Click the SETUP button to start the variables, mount the organizational chart and allocate people in those areas. Click the GO button to start / stop the simulation. The results obtained are shown in the graphs.
The slider maximum-productivity controls the productivity of people in the execution of their activities to deliver the services. The slider maximum-growth-rate-of-demand controls the growth of demand.
The button optimizes-productivity lets you run the simulation optimizing productivity by organizing and analyzing the queue of demands. The button includes-OLAs allows you to include the PAGERANK�s model in this context adapted to this situation. In this model we consider the inverse of the algorithm used in GOOGLE�s searches, ie demonstrates the bottleneck of the areas in the interdependence of their OLAs (Agreements Operational Level) through the network.
Pay attention to the colors in each area: green represents the demand attended and red did not attend the demand. The lower the value of cells-with-demands the better the result. Also note the relationship between attended-demands and total-demand: the closer the better.
Watch out also for the importance of compliance with OLAs in the interdependence of areas demonstrated through the loops, because the breach of the agreement by either party can jeopardize even the same.
Run simulations by changing the parameters of productivity and demand.
Keep a parameter constant while changing the other, observe the results (for each change in parameters or buttons should click on SETUP then GO).
Run simulations initially with button optimization off and then repeat the simulation with optimization button on comparing the results.
The button inclui-OLA inserts the relationships of the OLA between the areas and indicate the bottleneck between them. The higher the value found worse the bottleneck.
Exponential Growth - For a technology to be “exponential,” the power and/or speed doubles each year, and/or the cost drops by half.
As humans, we tend to overestimate what can be achieved in the short term but vastly underestimate what can be achieved in the long term. Humans are not equipped to process exponential growth.
Thinking exponentially, though, is key to discovering potential new opportunities and building innovative solutions.
Try "go exponential" to simulate the environment of the exponential growth!
The model was developed for a government information technology can be extended to other organizations.
The model can be extended to other situations involving supply and demand. For example, Recruitment, Marketing, and other elements of a supply chain.
The methodologies of System Dynamics and Agent Based Modeling were associated with the adaptation of the PageRank model, technic to rank the relevance of web pages on the internet.
Part of this model was developed based on the PageRank model.
- Stonedahl, F. and Wilensky, U. (2009). NetLogo PageRank model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/
- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.This section could give the names of models in the NetLogo Models Library or elsewhere which are of related interest.
Copyright 2012 Guttenberg Ferreira Passos.
This work was developed in the course Modeling of Complex Systems at the University of Brasilia, https://www.facebook.com/pages/UnBFGA-
To quote: PASSOS, Guttenberg Ferreira. Model of Organizational Responsibility.
Model developed in Agent Based Modeling discipline, of the course Modeling of Complex Systems. University of Brasilia, July 20, 2012.
Web sites http://sistemascomplexos.blogspot.co.uk/
Acknowledgements: Prof. Dr. Ilan Chamovitz for their valuable contribution in developing the model. |
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